Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Chuck and Bo-Two Great Guitars


Sorry, ain't been on the computer for a bit, so ain't updated this for a couple o weeks...

Been listenin' to the above pictured record a bunch over the last 2 weeks, so good, two guitar greats indeed. One side of Chuck, backed by Bo, and Bo backed by Chuck on the other. 4 instrumental tracks all up, 2 of which are long jams. Freakin' awesome.

Finished both Chuck and Bo paintings.

Chuck - School Days.

Bo - Who Do You Love?

Both took a while I guess. I'll have to post rough for Bo painting next week though.

Also touched up Robert Johnson painting, a bit more happy with it now...

Also started do prelim sketches for the Australian guitar greats, post the 4 next week. So far I've done sketches for Rowland S. Howard and Dave McComb, with Lobby Loyde and Pete Wells to come. All greats indeed, and sadly missed.

 The Great Rowland S Howard, great to draw.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

School Days

Hey there.

Here's the rough for Chuck Berry's School Days. Nearly finished painting. Won't be able to show off the finished works for a couple of weeks as I won't have access to scanner...Should have the Bo Diddley painting done by then though too.
 Had a good couple of days painting and listenin' to Chuck...

Bo Diddley "Who Do You Love" up next...

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Trail goes on...

Howdy again,

Just finished the Robert Johnson "Hellhound On My Trail" painting. Pretty happy with it, though might end up re working his face a bit...Real hard painting a portrait of someone who has only 2 photos of them for reference that's for sure. Hats off to R.Crumb! His Charlie Patton comic is amazing, and there's only 1 picture of Charlie Patton. Was great listenin' to the Robert Johnson recordings over and over again while making this painting. Such a freakin' great guitar player and songwriter, so damn influential.I guess you don't really need me to tell you that though....

anyways here it is.

So Chuck next. As said before, School Days...Hail Hail Rock 'n' Roll!!! Lookin' forward to doin' this painting, gunna start on the layout sketch tonight. Can't wait to listen to Chuck non stop over the next week or so.

As John Lennon said.

"If you tried to give rock and roll another name, you might call it 'Chuck Berry'."

 Chuck Berry "School Days" 1958

Chuck's 60th B'day Bash in 86' with Keith and Bobby Keys, Eric Clapton and Robert Clay...


Doin' this project has been a treat, great excuse to listen to one artists material over and over. As a song writer it has been great being able to study these songs again and again, really listenin' and actually probing into the song lyric and song structure.   

The famous duck walk.

Chuck has gotta be one of the most influential song writers and guitar players ever. Such great imagery, making up his own words like "Motor-vatin'" (Maybelline) and "Botherartion" (Too Much Monkey Business). His guitar licks are everywhere, so many bands and guitar players owe such a debt to this guy like really no other. No Chuck, no Stones, Beatles and the list goes on and on....